The Making-Of-Film As a Marketing Tool


In formal education, we measure student achievement through standardized tests, but the maker movement goes far beyond this. The focus on student-created projects encourages creativity and a sense of identity as creators, tinkerers, designers, and inventors. Students get access to sophisticated tools and materials for creating and thinking critically. In fact, making projects can help students develop real-world skills. It is the most effective way to help students learn about technology, science, and other fields, which are increasingly oriented towards the maker movement.

The making-of-film is a popular marketing tool and is also referred to as an EPK (elevated poster kit). The making-of film is often released concurrently with the theatrical version of a movie or as a bonus feature on a DVD. It is a great way to show a film’s creative process. It has many benefits, including its low cost and ease of production. Unlike a traditional film, a making-of-film can be made in a day or two!