The Concept of Good


Good is a quality or attribute of something. In its most basic sense, good is desirable. For instance, a washing machine can make your clothes clean without using too much water, while a chair can fit larger people and save water. Other examples include the ability to be comfortable and have 20/20 vision. And even a simple object, like a book or a piece of clothing, can be good. Good things can make you happy, too.

Plato acknowledges that there are pitfalls to virtuous action, and that the idea of good must be deeper than a superficial one. In his Symposium, he specifies that good is the ultimate principle underlying all things, as it is the author and essence of all known things. Those who disagree with this understanding may want to consider Kant’s views on ethics. But if you’re not convinced by his philosophy, check out his other works first.

Philosophers refine the concept of good. In the first place, it refers to anything that fulfills desire or need. But philosophers use the term good in several different senses. The supreme good is the ultimate end of man and the universe. The metaphysical analysis of good identifies it as an object of desire, as a part of the transcendentals. There are other examples of metaphysical good, but these are the most prevalent.

Aristotle argues that all things tend to some good. Moreover, all human activity is motivated by a desire to pursue some good. Good may be an object, a product of human activity, or an activity itself. Aristotle also noted a hierarchy of good ends. Lower ends are sought as means to a higher end. For instance, the Epicureans identified some good things as useful. Stoics identified good with a passionless nature.

The ontological good is an exemplar of man’s corporeal-spiritual being. It can be compared to an anthropological exemplar. Ontological good is desirable in itself, but it does not represent the ultimate human well-being. Moral goodness, on the other hand, refers to the ultimate good. In the third example, the ultimate good involves a single, universally applicable principle. These three categories are closely related to one another.

Physical and mental health have strong connections. Chronic illness can limit an individual’s ability to complete daily tasks, affecting his or her quality of life. It can also lead to depression, stress, financial difficulties, and decreased mobility. Mental illnesses also affect the body’s weight and function. Consequently, overall health and wellness should be a priority. Achieving a balance between both is the best way to achieve health and well-being. And by having an ideal lifestyle, you can cope with the stresses of everyday life and enjoy a longer, more active life.