How to Get Your Videos Featured in the Trending Tab on YouTube


The trending section on YouTube is a popular place for many content creators to find new audiences. While YouTube’s algorithm is largely responsible for what videos show up in the Trending tab, there are a few things you can do to help your content stand out from the crowd.

1. Release new, trend-worthy content frequently

When YouTube’s algorithms are looking for new video ideas, they’re essentially asking “What is the best way to get my audience to watch a particular video?” They’re also watching to see how your channel evolves, and whether you consistently post videos that people enjoy.

2. Use hashtags that are trending on Twitter and other social media outlets to reach your target audience

In a recent video, YouTuber Stephen DeFranco shared a few tips for getting your content featured in the Trending tab. The first was to make sure your videos are using unique hashtags. This is particularly important for brands with a strong social following because it increases their visibility on other platforms and can increase the number of views they receive from the Trending section.

3. Focus on short, engaging, and watch-worthy videos

When it comes to the Trending tab, YouTube is more concerned about your content being fresh than it is about its popularity. The more new, engaging, and watch-worthy your videos are, the higher they will rank on the list.

4. Consider using an online course for meal prep

Creating an online course can be a great way to build a community around your content and attract the right audience to your YouTube channel. However, before you start posting video tutorials on meal prepping, you need to determine what audience members are searching for in the cooking niche.

5. Check out Google Trends for more information on what’s trending across the web and in your area.

The most important thing to remember about trending topics is that they are determined by a combination of how much time has passed since the topic was last discussed, and how many tweets have been posted with a given hashtag. These topics can change quickly, and aren’t always relevant to your business. That said, you can use the information to plan your next campaign and find your audience.