What is Trending on Social Media?

A trending topic is one that is popular on social media at a given moment. It can be anything from a celebrity breakup to an election debate. Trends are based on the interests, conversations and collective attention of social media users at that time. They can also be localized to a specific community, context or even region.

A social media user can see what is trending on Twitter and Facebook by searching for the topic they want to explore or using the hashtag #trending in their search. Trending topics are displayed in a list below the date and time at the top of the screen. Tapping on a trending topic displays a graph of its popularity over time. The user can also adjust the timeframe of the graph by selecting different options above the chart.

If you’re an influencer, getting your content into the trends can increase its visibility and engagement. However, this can be a double-edged sword as it can also draw criticism from social media users for using the ‘trending’ feature in ways that are inappropriate or off-brand.

Trends can be used by businesses to gain a better understanding of their audience’s current mood and motivations. It can be a useful tool to help guide content creation and marketing strategy. For example, if a brand notices that there is an interest in a certain topic they can use it as inspiration for a new product or campaign. Trends can also help companies identify opportunities to target their ads and messages to their audiences in a more relevant way.

The term trend can be confusing to some as it is used in many different contexts. Generally, the word ‘trend’ is associated with social media and online discussion, but it can also refer to a shift in a particular direction (either up or down), a line on a graph or a series of numbers. Trends can reflect a broad range of things, from fashion and pop culture to politics and economics.

Google’s Trends is a free tool that allows you to see what people are searching for on Google in (nearly) real time. When you hover over a term, the graph will show you its relative popularity, which is helpful when you’re researching keywords or trying to understand what your competition is doing.

It’s important to remember that, although it’s possible to abuse the trending feature by posting unrelated content to take advantage of a trend, doing so could lead to your account being suspended. In the case of Twitter, it can even result in a permanent ban. Posting irrelevant content can also alienate your followers and lead to negative comments about your business. It’s best to approach trends with care, especially around sensitive or controversial subjects such as tragedy.