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How to Make the Most of Trending Social Media Topics

Trending is a social media platform feature that shows you the most popular topics being discussed on Twitter and other networks in real time. Using trending topics is an effective way to get your content seen by more people and increase engagement on your posts and videos. However, it’s important to understand how trends work

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Getting Started With Making

Making is the act of bringing something into existence through a creative process. It’s the act of shaping and changing materials into something new, combining parts to create a whole: To make a cake, you have to mix flour, eggs, butter, and milk. Making can take many forms, from painting and drawing to sewing and

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The Benefits of Making

The act of creating something. The things you make can be anything from a sweater to a piece of art or even a new recipe. It’s an expression of yourself and a way to share your talents with the world. The process of making is incredibly therapeutic, lowering stress levels and boosting self-esteem. It can

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How to Value a Stock

A stock represents a fractional ownership stake in a corporation. It is distinguished from other forms of financial assets, such as bonds and cash, which are used to finance business operations. A stock’s value rises or falls based on a number of factors, including market conditions and corporate decisions, such as whether to expand into

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Three Types of Essays About Love and How to Write Them

Love is an emotion that can be expressed in many ways. It is also a complex concept, which makes it difficult to define consistently. Despite its complexity, however, every person on earth loves something. Love can be romantic or platonic, and it can even be unconditional. It can exist between people of opposite sexes, or

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Using Trends to Drive Traffic

Trending happens when a topic, hashtag or keyword becomes more popular and gains visibility on a social media platform like Twitter, Instagram, TikTok or Facebook. Users can see what’s trending on the platforms’ Explore or Trending pages. Trends can be influenced by a number of factors. Some of these include: relevance and timing (i.e., trends