What is the Biological Drive For Romantic Love?

Many people struggle with the concept of love. However, love is one of the most important and integral parts of human relationships. Love is also often defined as a divine or spiritual feeling and emotion. Love is a group of behaviors and emotions characterized by intense intimacy, emotional passion, devotion, and emotional bonding. It involves emotional love, caring, intimacy, loyalty, protection, caring, affection, and sharing.


People experience love differently. There are many possible results depending on the individual, the situation, and the depth of the relationship. The brain does not respond the same for all people when it comes to love. If you feel love for your child it may be different than if you feel it for a friend. It is possible to “turn on” the brain that is associated with love when it is needed, such as when someone is dying or in pain. In other situations, the brain does not “turn on” this part of the brain.

People have different responses to love making it difficult to define how love makes you feel. Some people are very affectionate; others prefer to be affectionate but never show their affection in a physical way. There is no one response to how love makes you feel. Oxytocin, a chemical in the brain, is one of the chemicals that help make us feel affection and connected.

Oxytocin is produced when two people are together and the intimate physical act of copulation releases this chemical. For most of us, the feelings of romance and affection are contained within our bodies, but there are some people who are able to experience these feelings in other ways. One way is through sexual intercourse. Other people may enjoy being physically affectionate but cannot find the emotional bond that they seek. The release of oxytocin during sexual intercourse provides the release of feelings of romance and affection.

If you were to look at your brain as a computer, you would see that it stores multiple experiences and memories in the form of patterns. These patterns are similar to the neurological systems we all have and use when we need to remember something. There are specific neurons that fire and pathways that connect to specific memories and certain neurons that provide the neurological pathways to those feelings.

These patterns and pathways have been well studied and scientists have found that they exist and function in humans. However, these pathways do not always work the same for everyone. Some people have stronger connections than others to certain types of emotions. That’s why neuroscientists are studying the biological drive for romantic love so we can develop ways to create more powerful relationships and strengthen our bond with our partners.