The Different Definitions of Love

When most people think of love, they typically picture the deep emotional connection and sense of security that comes with a romantic relationship. However, the concept of love can be even more encompassing than just a romantic partnership—it can also apply to non-human animals, to principles and religions, or simply to the way we treat ourselves. There are many ways to define love, and different people will have a unique perspective on it that is often shaped by their own experiences.

The first definition of love is rooted in attraction and attachment. It’s about finding someone who has that “x-factor” that sets them apart from the rest, whether it’s a wicked sense of humor, a gorgeous smile or a kind heart. It’s also about the rush of hormones that comes with falling in love, such as dopamine (pleasure), adrenaline and norepinephrine. As the relationship progresses from attraction to attachment, these are replaced by oxytocin (the ‘cuddle’ hormone), which can help you feel more closely bonded and begin making long-term plans together.

Another definition of love is based on the bonding and caring that happens within families. This includes the love that is felt for parents, siblings and friends. It can also be seen in the love for pets, who are often viewed as family members because of the deep connection and comfort they provide. It’s also the kind of selfless love that is exhibited by people like Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, Maya Angelou and Oprah Winfrey, who have made it their life’s work to promote well-being for the entire planet.

Biological models of love tend to view it as a mammalian drive, similar to hunger or thirst. However, psychology views it more as a social and cultural phenomenon influenced by hormones like oxytocin, neurotrophins and pheromones.

For some people, a deeper kind of love is spiritual in nature and involves the love of a higher power. Various religious traditions have different names for this kind of love, including karma-seva, bhakti and agape.

The simplest way to describe this form of love is by looking at how you treat those around you. Do you go out of your way to make sure they’re comfortable? Do you give them your undivided attention, listen to their concerns and support them through tough times? This type of love isn’t always easy, but it is extremely rewarding. It’s about being there for them, both in the highs and lows, and giving them your best self. Unlike the superficial love that is sometimes shown on social media, this kind of true love takes time to develop and requires patience, commitment and forgiveness. But it is worth it in the end. After all, it’s the kind of love that truly changes the world.