The Concept of Good

Good is an adjective or noun that refers to a desirable act. Originally, it meant something that fitted or was healthy. For example, a long walk through a crowded city is good for people watching but bad for misanthropes. Food that has gone bad is no longer good. The best thing to do in this situation is to avoid the situation altogether. The following are some examples of the use of the word good.


Good is useful, efficient, and healthy. It also means happy and skilled. In everyday life, it can be a washing machine that uses less water than a washing machine. A comfortable chair that can accommodate a larger person is good. Ultimately, a good thing can make people happy, productive, and strong. However, the concept of “good” is relative, and there are exceptions. For instance, a good product may not be good for everyone.

Ancient Greek philosophers characterized three types of good: perfective, delectable, and useful. The former is the object of desire and the latter is an acquired skill. As a result, the term “good” is used in its absolute sense as early as 400 BC. Then, in the dialogues of Plato and the Neoplatonists, this concept of moral absolute becomes more concrete. But the idea of piety as a moral absolute has its roots in monotheistic thought.

Aristotle was not the first philosopher to study the concept of good. The pre-Socratic philosophers were also concerned with the nature of being, and they defined kakos and agathos as objects of desire. In their views, a perfective good is an object of desire that makes a man more fully human. While the Greeks distinguished between good and evil, the modern sense of the word moral can refer to a human agent. A morally good agent is habitually inclined to perform good acts and amoral agents do the opposite.

The Greeks also defined the concept of good as something that fills a need or desire. In this sense, the term “good” can refer to the material objects of the world, such as a work of art or a piece of music. In addition, it can also refer to the object of desire and its relation to the soul virtues. The latter is more abstract than the former, and is characterized by a higher degree of innateness.

In the early Greek world, the concept of the good had two levels: the perfective and the useful. The latter was the object of desire and made a man more human. In addition to the material objects, there were also things that were desirable for their own sakes. A good person would be happy, healthy, and skilled. For the Greeks, good is a source of joy. The definition of a good is a way to define the value of a person.