The Benefits of Making

There is something extremely satisfying about completing a craft, DIY project or any other type of creative pursuit. Whether it is painting a picture, knitting a scarf or baking a cake, making is an activity that can help reduce stress and even increase self-esteem. In fact, a recent study found that those who regularly engage in creativity-based activities have a lower risk of depression.

The act of creating something new can activate all parts of the brain, including memory, attention, visuospatial processing and our creative side. The combination of these abilities makes crafting unique compared to other activities that work one part of the brain at a time, Levisay says. In addition to its cognitive benefits, crafting also helps foster a mindset that encourages people to look for solutions instead of getting frustrated when things don’t turn out exactly how they planned.

While many crafts are fun and relaxing, there are some that can be used to aid in the grieving process. Creating art can be especially helpful when a person has experienced a loss, whether it was the death of a loved one or a breakup. In this way, crafting can help a person work through the process of grief and come out on the other side feeling more confident in their own abilities.

Creating something from scratch can also provide the sense of accomplishment that comes with mastering a new skill. This can be a particularly important feeling for kids, who are often told that they must be perfect the first time they try something new. By teaching kids that it’s okay if their creation doesn’t come out perfectly the first time, and in fact is a good thing to do, crafting can teach them patience and persistence in all aspects of life.

Manufacturing involves a lot of different types of materials, including composites and simple plastics. The best choice depends on what the product will do and its specific needs. Composites, for example, are known for their strength-to-weight ratio and are commonly used in sports equipment and automotive components. Similarly, simple plastics are useful for prototyping because they can be easily formed into the shape of a finished product.

While it may seem obvious that crafting can be a good hobby for adults, the benefits for kids are just as impressive. In addition to the psychological and emotional advantages, crafting can also be an opportunity for kids to learn about money management. For example, they can learn to calculate how much it will cost them to make a specific craft and then divide the total by the number of pieces required to find out how much each item will cost. This can teach them the value of hard work, as well as budgeting skills. It can also help them develop a sense of responsibility when they are able to pay for their own supplies. Click on the categories below to see ideas for things to make with each material.