Making Your Own Jewellers’ Machines – Is it Right For You?


Making Your Own Jewellers’ Machines – Is it Right For You?

Making (past tense) – to create by hand. The making (past) verb shows that the act of creating has already occurred. It also implies that something was created, which may not be edible.

Creating (past tense) – to design, create or work out by hand. This verb describes an activity you might engage in to design something. For example, if you wanted to learn how to play the piano, you may include in your learning how to play the piano a step-by-step manual on how to play the piano, or how to read sheet music for music. Alternatively, if you needed to get your business launched on the Web, you may include in your launch process a system for shared decision making. This may involve some research into different business models and market segments.

Creating (past tense) – to prepare, to manufacture or create by one’s own hand with a few other contributing parties. This includes processes, products, and/or services that were manufactured or created at home, including hobbies, crafts, etc. The word “creating” itself also implies that the activity was done once, making it an example of the gerund “to make a thing.” The idea here is to imply that the healthcare decisions we make when we are healthy are future-dependent (something that only the future can determine).

Determining if you are creating or determining is the key distinction between the two. Creating healthcare decisions that have long-term consequences can often be difficult. However, if you are working in a medical treatment setting, you may have more flexibility with what types of decisions you are able to make. For example, if you have a pre-existing medical condition, your doctor can recommend specific treatment options. This does not mean that you are forced into making these choices, rather that your doctor has authority to do so in order to keep your condition from worsening.

Determining whether you are creating or determining is a little easier, since it involves looking at your overall satisfaction with your healthcare decision-making. If you are consistently rating “very satisfied,” then you are likely making the right medical treatment choices for yourself. Likewise, if you are rating “moderately satisfied,” then you may want to take a look at whether or not you have gaps in coverage, gaps in care, co-pays, Coinsurance percentages, and other things that can affect your satisfaction level. When you are rating “very dissatisfied” or” unsatisfied,” there may be multiple reasons for why you are displeased. Your goal here is to focus on how you feel about the process overall, instead of focusing solely on how you rate for specific items.

As a final note, some jewellers and surgical technologists make their own coins or charge per gram. Many people feel more comfortable dealing with these types of sellers because they are less likely to be ripping customers off or making false claims about their product. Still, this is not to say that everyone who works in this industry is a scammer. Instead, it is to say that you should consider the fees that you pay, including any possible markups on the machine-made components that you purchase. From there, you should be able to decide whether or not making your own jewellers’ machine is the best route for you to go.