Making Money – The Meaning of Work in a Changing Economy


Making Money – The Meaning of Work in a Changing Economy

Making (adjective) – The act of making something by physical or manual means. The object made is a thing, usually in the form of art, literature, etc. The word comes from the Latin phrase, “materia,” “craftsman,” “utiae,” “craft.” Making (verb) – A process of making by hand.

When you use a meaning-making strategy, you are using the active observations to create an image, an abstract design, a simulation, ornamentation, or a component. In creative activities, you need to do more than just observe. You need to participate in the activity so that it becomes your creation. This will not only make the activity enjoyable for you, but it will also provide emotional rewards and mental stimulation. When you create, you tap into the creative potential all humans have.

The primary goal of industrialized work is the production of material goods. Because of advanced civilizations’ dependence on machines, the machine has come to dominate. The machine is no longer a part of the work equation, but rather the rule. Industrial work has become the domain of the few. The machine has corrupted the meaning of work. One has to participate in industrial work to participate meaningfully in its making.

Work is a necessary part of life and as long as humans exist, they will have to work. It is estimated that over 1 billion people worldwide are either completely without work or underpaid work. Most people live off of their own family earnings. Most people live in a state of chronic unemployment. With such low pay and desperate conditions, it is no wonder that many find themselves in a state of post-industrial anxiety, which can be defined as a state of deep feelings of dread and desperation. Many refer to this state of post-work anxiety as “the blues.”

The meaning of work has changed through the ages. In the early 20th century, for example, work was thought of as a way to increase living standards. In advanced nations, the work ethic is much more dependent on education than any other factor. Those who do not have the means to get educated and enter the working class find themselves trapped in the poverty of the working class, unable to escape the blues.

In the early 20th century, works was also a cause of class divisions, as highly educated industrialists tended to be in charge of most major economic activity. This elite group of professionals tended to exploit the lower classes as well. As the blues became a fading culture, working for the factory line became the norm, which drove down wages across the board. In this manner, the meaning of work has changed in response to changing circumstances.