Making Charges in Gold Jewellery


Making Charges in Gold Jewellery

Making is the science and art of turning raw materials such as clay or wood into a usable object. The earliest process of making anything is known as fabrication. Almost anything that can be manufactured can also be manufactured. A saw is a tool, for instance.

Making in itself has two methods. One method involves making simple shapes, such as a square or a rectangular shape with edges and one side being smooth. This is known as impasto making, because the tools used are used to create the shape. Alternatively, making involves making the internal structures of the object right down to the tiniest detail. Internal structures are not visible, so they are usually left out when designing jewellery pieces.

Most modern jewellery making uses the second method of making. Rather than making a shape, or even having to make the internal structures, jewellery makers often use their skills to form their stones and other objects. Jewellery making charges are those properties of a stone or metal, which make it uniquely able to form itself into other shapes. In many cases these properties are very intricate. In making jewellery pieces, we try to find as much as we can to get the most unique and aesthetically pleasing stone or metal we can, and charge the stones accordingly.

In gold jewellery making, for instance, we try to find as many gold particles as possible, and work them into the simplest shape possible. The basic unit of measurement for making charges in gold is the carat. Commonly, a carat is about 200mg. A large diamond of this size would weigh about two pounds.

If we know the weight of the diamond, we can work out how many carats it would take to make a jewellery item. This gives us an idea of how much other gold pieces would cost. We can then work out what other precious stones and metals we need to buy to finish our design. Many talented jewellers will be able to help us work out the design of the piece, and give us a time frame as to when the finished product should be ready. Once the jewellery has been made, it is up to the buyer to hold onto it until the set time.

It is not unusual to see jewellery items sold for less than half their production price, simply because they are less than perfect. Poor craftsmanship can cause problems, but that is another story! We all love something that is handmade to our satisfaction – it makes us feel good. When it comes to making charges in gold jewellery, the emotional attachment is often more important than the physical quality of the item. Whether you are buying a necklace or a ring, the emotional attachment is what is going to make it for you.