How to Write About Love in an Essay


Love is a complex emotion that has been a source of debate and discussion for centuries. Despite its complexity, it has always been difficult to define and describe with precision.

There are many things that we can do to express our love to someone. It can be a simple gesture or an extravagant act of kindness. It can even be a combination of both. Regardless of what you do to show your love, it can be powerful and meaningful.

A person may love their pet, a friend, a family member, a country or even their religion. In the case of a religion, a person may love God or Jesus.

This is why it can be so important to make sure that you know exactly what your readers expect when you write about love in an essay. Using these guidelines can help you avoid making the mistake of writing about love that is unsuitable for your audience.

The Science of Love

When we are first in love, our bodies are flooded with a series of high-producing hormones. These include dopamine, norepinephrine, and adrenaline.

These chemicals can create a euphoric experience, providing energy and agitation that keeps us focused on our new love interest. The resulting physical reactions are often characterized as ‘butterflies in the stomach’, a racing heart, sweaty palms, and heightened senses of smell and touch.

The Biology of Love

Scientists have studied the biological basis for love and found that it is largely a result of evolutionary selection pressures. It is thought that the brain’s reward system has evolved to allow us to be attracted to a potential mate and to find pleasure in our relationships.

Researchers have also found that love is based on our sense of smell and taste. This is because the nose can detect subtle pheromones that are present in the body of a prospective mate.

The chemical signals that are released by these pheromones can be registered in the brain as a reward. The pheromones can help the brain determine the viability of a mate and whether they are likely to produce offspring.

This is why people often rely on their sense of smell when deciding whether or not to date a particular person. They may smell the person’s hair or clothes, or they might be able to tell from their body odor if they are interested in them.

There is also evidence that the brain’s chemistry and genetic make-up play a role in the experience of love. According to the research, people who fall in love with a particular person are more likely to have a higher level of dopamine and norepinephrine in their brains than those who don’t.

This can also be attributed to the fact that when we are in love, our brains turn on something called the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. This communication between our brain and adrenal glands can trigger the ‘butterflies in the stomach’ and other physical signs of euphoria.