How to Use Trending Responsibly on Social Media

Trending is a feature on Facebook and Twitter that displays topics that are gaining popularity in real time. A trend can be anything from a celebrity, to an event, or even a specific hashtag. Social media marketers, brands, and influencers can leverage trends to gain visibility for their content. However, it is important to understand how to use trending responsibly so that you don’t cause unintended consequences or draw ire from the community.

To see what’s trending, click the magnifying glass icon on the bottom right corner of your home timeline or visit the Trends section of the X for iOS app, X for Android app, or on desktop. Trending is based on an algorithm that considers who you follow, your location, and what you like to help personalize the topics you see. It’s also influenced by global topics of interest and events that are occurring around the world.

The most popular trending topics are a reflection of the general public’s interests and opinions. Oftentimes, the topics that are trending are controversial, which can lead to a lot of discussion and debate.

YouTube uses an algorithm to determine which videos are trending. It takes into account factors such as number of views, where the views are coming from, and the amount of engagement a video receives. It also considers how regularly a video is uploaded, as well as the quality of the content. A video that has received a large number of views in a short period of time is more likely to be featured on the Trending tab.

A video’s popularity can also depend on its relevance to a certain topic or event. For example, a video about the recent Paris attacks would be more relevant to viewers than one about a new season of Game of Thrones. In order to be featured on the Trending list, a video must be generating a lot of conversation and have broad appeal.

Using the same methods that Google and Twitter use to decide what’s trending, a business can generate ideas for their own content. While it is important to stay current with popular culture and trending topics, it’s also necessary for businesses to create authentic content that aligns with their audience’s interests and values.

When creating a trending topic for their content, it’s best to choose a hashtag that is unique to your brand and has a call to action. This will ensure that your trend doesn’t get lost in the sea of other competing tags. It’s also important to be strategic in your timing, as trends can change quickly. Posting a trend just before or after a significant news event can give your content greater visibility and reach. You can also use platform features to further increase the potential of your post going viral. For example, creating a poll or using emojis to encourage interaction can make your content more likely to be shared and talked about.