How to Keep Up With Trending Topics on Social Media


Keeping up with trending topics on Twitter can help you stay on top of current events, engage in meaningful conversations, and prepare relevant marketing content. Most social networks offer a list of trending topics that you can easily access and customize. Twitter, for example, keeps track of the use of hashtags and labels popular ones as trending topics. Other sites track popular keywords and phrase searches.

Many children’s stores use social media to promote their products. Many products are visually-oriented, and they can be easily marketed on social media. Using influencers to post photos of their products and services can help them reach a larger audience. You can also use user-generated content campaigns to source pictures from your audience.

Facebook also allows users to customize their trending topics. You can remove or hide a topic by hovering over it. Facebook will also ask for your input before removing a topic from your news feed. Similarly, Twitter allows you to change the location of trending topics. The location and number of followers are taken into account to calculate trending topics.

While this method can be effective for establishing brand awareness, it can also be counterproductive if you don’t follow a social media strategy that reaches the right audience. For example, a brand’s posts about a tragic event can appear petty and demeaning. But, being transparent and showing compassion for others will help you gain relatability points. In addition, participating in trending discussions will increase your brand’s relevance and awareness among consumers.

You can also incorporate trending videos into your marketing strategy. One popular trend on TikTok is the Oscars red carpet. This trend has over 30K videos. The sarcasm-filled Oscars red carpet sound is a popular choice among users. Another trending video is Patsy Cline’s old hit. The dramatic audio, combined with on-screen text, helps you share an emotional experience.

Another popular trending product on YouTube is a baby monitor. These devices let parents keep an eye on their kids while they are in another room. Some of them even have additional features such as a mobile app, temperature monitor, and night vision. These gadgets are trending and the search volume is continuously increasing. If you want to make your product popular and increase your profits, you can promote it via a popular parenting influencer. Ensure that you highlight the features and benefits of the product in your videos and posts.