How to Identify Trending Topics For Your Content Marketing

Trending topics are often the subject of popular discussions and news articles. They provide a great opportunity to write content that will engage your audience and drive traffic to your website. However, the process of finding and identifying trends can be challenging.

The best way to find trending topics is by leveraging social media, as well as Google and YouTube. These platforms have built-in tools that allow you to easily identify and discover trending topics.

Instagram has a hashtag search feature that lets you see what people are discussing on the platform, and how popular those topics are. This can be especially useful for businesses that are looking to increase awareness of their products and services.

Twitter is another great source of trending topics, and it’s also a great way to discover keywords and phrases that are used most frequently. You can find this information in the Explore tab of the Twitter app or desktop.

Reddit is a user-generated site that tracks what’s trending across the internet and social media. It’s a popular place for people to post and share their opinions on everything from world events to celebrities.

Despite recent controversies, Reddit is still a major player when it comes to cultural trends and tastes. Its trending topics feature has been a hit with both bloggers and marketers alike, as it helps them surface relevant content that they can use in their marketing efforts.

BuzzFeed is another site that keeps track of trends and provides a list of what’s hot to help you find topic ideas for your content marketing. The site’s Trending page includes trending news, quizzes, and videos to make it easy to tap into what’s interesting and fun for your audience.

Pinterest is another great tool for finding trending topics, as it offers a search trend tool that shows the most popular items on Pinterest each month. The tool will provide insights into what users are searching for on the platform, which can be particularly helpful for brands that have a strong Pinterest presence.

You can also use the Trending Topics tab of Google’s search engine to see what is most popular in your area. This feature is easy to use and allows you to filter the results based on the time of day and keyword.

There are a few free tools that will help you identify trends, but for the most effective results, you should consider a paid tool suite. A premium tool will give you access to a wide range of tools for researching trending topics, including a Trending Topics dashboard and influencer research.

Exploding Topics is a powerful tool that will show you trending topics in your industry that are about to go viral and have huge growth. The tool will display a list of topics that are experiencing massive search interest, and you can choose from various durations.

YouTube is a great resource for finding trending videos, and the trending video feeds are updated regularly. Using the YouTube trending keywords and phrases can be a great way to find content ideas that will appeal to your target audience and drive traffic to your website.