How Businesses Can Use Trending to Increase Visibility on Social Media


Trending is a popular feature on social media platforms that highlight topics and hashtags that are gaining popularity at a particular time. Trends are often based on real-world events or opinions, but can also be cultural phenomenon.

Using trending can help businesses gain visibility among consumers and target audiences. By monitoring trends, a company can see what topics are resonating with people, and then respond with relevant content. Trending can also inspire conversations and encourage engagement that may not have otherwise occurred.

For example, if an event is trending, a business can use it to share an announcement or promote an offer. This can drive new traffic and conversions. Additionally, if a hashtag is trending, it can increase the reach of a campaign or message.

Twitter’s “trending” section shows topics that are most popular with its users at a given moment. Twitter’s algorithm uses several factors to determine which topics are shown, including what users like, who they follow, and their location. Users can view trends on the platform’s website or mobile app. Twitter also displays trends in the For You tab, as well as in the Explore section.

Google’s Trends tool offers a similar way to view what’s popular globally. It shows a variety of data points about trends, including worldwide interest by country in a specific topic over time. Users can filter the data to find the trends that are most relevant to them, and they can customize which countries or regions are included.

While trends are useful, they’re not always accurate or insightful. Some trends appear to spike in popularity for no apparent reason, while others decline rapidly. This is because some trends are faked by bots or spammers. Often, these trends are political or relate to celebrities.

Businesses should be careful not to misuse trends, as doing so can backfire and damage their reputation. Twitter has strict rules against trend abuse and in extreme cases can suspend accounts. When a business is related to a trend, they should be cautious not to post irrelevant content or add keywords that aren’t relevant to their brand.

When a hashtag is trending, it’s usually because the hashtag has been used widely and is popular with many users. For this reason, it’s important to monitor trending regularly and take advantage of opportunities when they arise. Businesses can use tools such as Tweet Binder to analyze trending hashtags and identify the most valuable ones for their campaigns. These tools can provide weekly, real-time and historical reports. They can also help them see how the sentiment about a hashtag changes over time, and if it’s moving in a positive direction. This can help them adjust their messaging and strategy accordingly. In addition to boosting the reach of their posts, these tools can help businesses identify new opportunities and improve their performance.