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Are Love and Health More Than Just A Difference?

The concept of love has always been a mystery for both humans and animals. Love encompasses a broad spectrum of optimistic and strong emotional and physical states, from the highest spiritual virtue or religious practice, the most sublime human passion, to the easiest physical pleasure. Love does not have to be defined by what someone

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How to Track Trending Topics Online

How to Track Trending Topics Online Trending is a word that describes the public opinion of something, a trend is a pattern in the development of something. Shira Lazar YouTube channel showcases various personalities and videos on YouTube. As an aspiring internet marketer you must be wondering where should one start when it comes to

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Grieving In Light

Synonyms: making things, adding, making changes, improving, making a difference, making an impact. 1. To make (something) better or something completely new. “The next time you’ll have a chance to do it, you need to work on your mental game.” 2. To do (something) in a specific, planned, and exact way. Grieve the loss of

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Investing on the Stock Exchange

Investing on the Stock Exchange Stock is the whole shares in which ownership of a company is distributed. In American English, the stock is collectively referred to as “stock.” Each share of stock represents fractional membership of the company in proportion to its value. Consequently, each shareholder or owner of stock in a company is

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How to Love Someone More With Intimacy

How to Love Someone More With Intimacy Love is the feeling that we want to express to another person, without compromising our own views, values and interests. It is the conviction that love is the best and only love. The feeling is the very basis for human communication and love is the ultimate form of

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How to Use Trending Topics to Your Advantage

How to Use Trending Topics to Your Advantage Trending has been defined as the condition of becoming familiar with a specific subject over a short period of time. The concept was first introduced in 1970 by American sociologist William Poundstone. According to him, “The trend is the way things change.” In essence, trending describes the

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Making Money – The Meaning of Work in a Changing Economy

Making Money – The Meaning of Work in a Changing Economy Making (adjective) – The act of making something by physical or manual means. The object made is a thing, usually in the form of art, literature, etc. The word comes from the Latin phrase, “materia,” “craftsman,” “utiae,” “craft.” Making (verb) – A process of

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Investing in the Stock Market – What You Need to Know

Stock is simply all the stocks owned by an owner of a company. In American English, the stock is collectively referred to as “stock”. Each share of stock represents a fractional ownership of a corporation in ratio to the total number of outstanding shares. This means that a shareholder is entitled to dividends only if

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Love – What it Is and Why We Feel It

Love is a group of behaviors and emotions characterized by intense intimacy, emotional passion, commitment, and caring. It involves emotional intimacy, love, concern, compassion, adoration, friendship, tenderness, affection, trust, respect, devotion, and sharing. The word “love” originates from the Greek word “lapyros”, which means “to glow”. The emotion of love is very essential for human