Health Benefits of Making


From sewing a dress to crocheting a blanket, making is more than just a hobby; it has health benefits that can boost your wellbeing and help you feel better. It is a creative process that involves your whole body and mind, allowing you to engage in the present moment and forget about worries or problems. It can also help you relax and improve your sleep patterns. It has been linked to a sense of community and social support, as well as helping you build up confidence in your ability to create.

It can be a great way to express feelings. Crafting allows you to name and understand your emotions as you work with them, and it can be particularly effective at reducing feelings of anxiety or depression. It can also help with stress, as it is a calming activity that requires focus and concentration. It can be especially beneficial to people living with dementia, as it allows them to use their memories and tap back into their creativity.

The act of creating helps to distract the mind from pressing or worrying thoughts, and has been compared to meditation in its effectiveness. It can help to lower your blood pressure, as it is a relaxing activity that releases serotonin and other natural anti-depressants. It can also improve your mood and happiness levels, as it increases feelings of well-being and joy when you create something you love.

Crafting can be a great way to get some fresh air and spend time in nature, as it can bring you closer to the world around you. It can also be a great way to connect with other people, and it can teach you how to communicate through art. It is a great way to bond with your kids, as it can be a fun and engaging activity to do together. It can even help to lower your stress levels and improve your immune system, as it can increase feelings of satisfaction and reduce cortisol, the hormone responsible for your blood pressure.

So what are you waiting for? Start that dream project now and discover the many benefits of making!

If you’re looking for ideas, you can click through by material on this page to find a wide range of things to make with the items you have at home. Or check out this list of easy and fun activities to try with your children.

This article is a guest post by Hannah from the wonderful blog The Inspired Room. You can find more awesome content from Hannah on her site!

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