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Learn the Basics of Poker

Poker is a card game where players place bets on the likelihood that they will have a winning hand. The game is a combination of chance and skill, and the best players are able to analyze their opponents and react accordingly. The game also requires a high level of concentration, which is why it can

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Why Love Can Last a Long Time

Love has been a subject for philosophers, poets and songwriters, but it’s also something that has captured the interest of scientists. Thanks to advances in brain imaging, we can now see what happens in the brain when people experience love. And it’s more complex than we thought. When you fall in love, a particular part

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What is Trending on Social Media?

Trending is a term used to describe popular topics or hashtags that are gaining traction on social media at a given moment. The popularity of these topics is determined by the number of people discussing them on social media and can be influenced by popular culture, current events, or even weather conditions. These trends can