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The Importance of Making

Making is an activity that involves creating something that you want to use or share. In addition to being a way to express yourself, it is a way to learn and grow. Traditional education systems are built around preconceived notions of knowledge and ability, whereas making is a hands-on, playful process. This process teaches students

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The Best Ways to Win Money at a Casino

Before you visit a casino, it is vital to be familiar with its rules and procedures. These rules will help you stay safe in the gaming establishment. In addition to avoiding gambling with money you cannot afford to lose, you should also take cash only, and leave your bank cards at home. It is also

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Investing in Stocks

A stock is an ownership stake in a company. It represents a portion of a company’s earnings and assets. The more stock you own, the larger your stake in the company. However, a stock is not the same as a corporation, which you do not own. Companies issue stocks to raise money from investors and