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The Meaning of Love

Love is a complicated emotion that can be hard to pin down. It can feel euphoric, but also painful. It can make people do crazy things, but it can also bring them peace and joy. It is something that everyone has a different opinion on, and it is often a subject of intense discussion. Throughout

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How to Recognize a Trend

Trending is when a topic, hashtag, or keyword becomes popular on a social media platform and gains more visibility and engagement than usual. These topics can originate from current news, cultural or other events, viral content, holidays, and/or online campaigns and challenges. Trending topics are often reflected in the trends section on the platform or

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Mental Health Benefits of Making

The act of making, or creating something from scratch, has become a popular pastime for people looking to get off the grid and do things the old-fashioned way. In addition to being a fun activity that allows people to exercise their creativity, making also has many positive effects on mental health. It can be a

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How Do Stocks Work?

A stock is a partial ownership claim in the earnings and assets of a company. Companies sell shares of their business to investors, who then buy and hold those shares for the long term in hopes that the company grows and the value of the share goes up. The growth potential and speculative nature of

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The Meaning of Love

Love is one of the most complex, elusive human emotions. Despite its power to bring happiness, it can also cause misery and heartache. Attempts to define it have failed to come to a universal agreement. Nevertheless, many people still agree that love is more than mere affection and physical attraction. Whether you are writing about

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Mental Health Benefits of Making

The act of making — whether it’s sewing, painting, sculpting or baking — is more than just a hobby. It is a therapeutic process that can promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, boost self-esteem, and improve cognitive abilities. Unlike most hobbies, DIY crafting involves multi-sensory engagement and repetition that stimulate the brain and help with

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How Stocks Are Valuated

A stock is a piece of ownership in a company that represents a fractional share of the company’s assets and earnings. Purchasing a share of stock gives the owner a voting right and the opportunity to receive dividends (profits) as the company earns them. Many investors hope that a stock will increase in value over

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The Basics of Poker

Poker is a card game that involves betting and the use of strategy to win. While chance is an important part of the game, there are other factors at play as well, including psychology and math. Learning the basics of poker can help a player improve their game and increase their chances of winning. There

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Menelusuri Rasa: Kuliner Unik dari Berbagai Penjuru Daerah

Kuliner adalah salah satu aspek budaya yang paling menarik untuk dieksplorasi. Setiap daerah di Indonesia memiliki keunikan tersendiri dalam sajian makanan yang tidak hanya menggugah selera, tetapi juga menceritakan sejarah dan tradisi masyarakatnya. Dari sabang hingga merauke, setiap suku dan daerah memiliki resep-resep khas yang diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi, menciptakan keragaman rasa yang menakjubkan.