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The Process of Making a Movie

“Making” is a process of creating something by oneself, as a means of attaining a certain identity or a position within society. It also refers to bringing something into existence. In addition to the use of the word for creating, self-making has a history dating back to Edward Burrough, a Quaker activist and author. It

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The Three Types of Love

Research has shown that people who are deeply in love have stronger brains. The two primary love styles are enduring and playful. Enduring love is more stable and lasts a long time. Playful love is playful, and has an expiration date. The latter is temporary, and often dies out as time goes by. In enduring

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How to Get Started Investing in Stocks

How to Get Started Investing in Stocks Many people invest in stocks to gain a financial return. Although the idea of owning your own business can be intimidating, there are many ways to get started investing in stocks. If you’re not sure how to value a stock, consider starting with your favorite products. Then, you

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The Concept of Love

The concept of love encompasses a wide variety of positive mental and emotional states. It is often defined as a sublime virtue or good habit, deep interpersonal affection, or even the simplest pleasure. It can be deep or shallow, depending on the context. Here are some examples of love in action. But what is it?

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The Qualities of News

There are some qualities that make news interesting. It should be concise, well-written, and picturesque. Good news should leave the reader saying, “Gee Whiz!” Today, this expression is replaced by less dramatic, but more printable expressions. It is also becoming less exciting and unpredictable. The glut of information from many sources is making the human

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Five Types of Food You Need to Consume to Stay Healthy

We eat food to survive, and we cannot function without it. This substance has many important nutrients and provides the body with the necessary energy it requires. Human beings generally eat plant, animal, or fungal sources. Some foods are more valuable than others, but both are essential to our well-being. Hence, you should eat a

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The Meaning of Sick

Sicks are a part of our everyday language. We use them to describe people who are unwell and cannot attend school or work. We also use the word to describe objects or systems that are not working well. We often think of people when we are tired and not able to function at our best.

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The Concept of Making in Popular Culture

Making is the act of constructing something with a certain level of skill and artistic vision. The process of constructing a violin, for example, involves the process of creating the instrument’s structure and makeup. Making is a form of knowledge and advancement that is related to our capacity and potential. It is the process of

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What Is Good?

What Is Good? The word good is used in a wide variety of ways in philosophy, religion, and morality. As a noun, good describes something that is desirable, healthy, or appropriate for use. Its origins date back to the German word good, which meant “fitting” or “healthy.” For instance, a long walk through a busy