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Trending Topics on Buzzsumo

Trending Topics on Buzzsumo A trending topic is simply a topic that experiences a marked surge in interest on one or more online social networking platforms for a short period of time. Interest in the trending topics on a number of platforms tends to change every day, but the range of topics within the larger

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The Problems With Making Your Own Wine

The Problems With Making Your Own Wine Making wine at home is something that most people only do from time to time. However, for the more serious wine maker, making their own wine can lead to some pretty good rewards, as well as some pretty bad experiences. A true wine lover will always have a

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Are You Still Afraid of Love? Part 2

The definition of love is often used to refer loosely to the emotional bonding between two people. Love is actually a complex set of behaviors and feelings characterized by emotional intimacy, desire, intimacy, commitment, and reciprocity. It typically involves caring, proximity, loyalty, affection, trust, and romance. Love is one of life’s greatest blessings. It has

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How to Track Popular Trending Topics on Twitter

How to Track Popular Trending Topics on Twitter Twitter has a powerful tool for researchers who want to know what the public’s thoughts on a given subject are at any given moment. Twitter refers to a topic, term, or even word that’s being said in a quicker rate than other topics being discussed – or

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Nurture Meaning in Daily Life: Make Meaning in Your Day

Making is the creative art, science, or commerce of creating something, specifically services or products. This phrase applies more generally to the production process of making items in a factory, an workshop, or elsewhere on a large scale. Most often, it refers to products that have been designed and made by human beings, for the

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What Are The Basics of Stock Ownership?

Stock is the actual shares in which ownership of a company is entirely divided. In common English, the stocks are collectively referred to as “stock” as well. A single share of stock constitutes fractional ownership in ratio to the total number of outstanding shares. This means that a shareholder can have limited control over the

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Love Is A Choice – Emotional Affection

Love Is A Choice – Emotional Affection Love encompasses an array of both positive and negative emotional and psychological states, from the highest religious virtue or good sense, to the driest greatest personal joy, to the easiest basic pleasure. All of our responses to love are shaped by what we perceive to be love, what

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Trending Topics – What Are They?

There are many different types of trends, and they all come from varying definitions. In Twitter terminology, a trend is a term, or subject which is being talked about more than the rest. Trending topics quickly become popular either due to an occurrence or through a concerted effort by online users. The definition of a