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Are You in Love? Are You in Attraction?

Are You in Love? Are You in Attraction? What is love? Is it something physical or spiritual? Most people think that love is a romantic concept that involves being smothered or adored by someone. In my opinion, love is much more than this. To better understand love, let us explore what love really is. Love

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How Business Can Use Trending Topics To Attract followers

If you’re on Twitter then you have surely seen the term “trending”. It shows up in your feeds and on your profile pages whenever something new happens in your chosen niche. The term “trending” has nothing to do with what happens on Twitter, per say. Trending on Twitter is actually a description of how certain

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What is the Biological Drive For Romantic Love?

Many people struggle with the concept of love. However, love is one of the most important and integral parts of human relationships. Love is also often defined as a divine or spiritual feeling and emotion. Love is a group of behaviors and emotions characterized by intense intimacy, emotional passion, devotion, and emotional bonding. It involves

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Getting to Know Trending Topics on Social Media

Getting to Know Trending Topics on Social Media The word trending is derived from the verb trending which means “to go forward.” The verb itself is also an imperative verb. So, by changing the word order, it would seem that trending is also a verb, although it is not an absolute one. The meaning of

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Making Money Online In Five Easy Steps

Making Money Online In Five Easy Steps Many people have always enjoyed making things. It is fun to experiment and create things, whether they are homemade candles or model cars. However, most people only engage in making small projects and do not go beyond the level of making a few decorations or minor artwork. The

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Stock Market Concepts – What is a Stock? How Does It Work?

Stock Market Concepts – What is a Stock? How Does It Work? Stock is the whole of the stocks owned by a company. In common American English, the stocks are collectively referred to as’stock’. Each share of stock represents fractional ownership in accordance to the number of outstanding shares. This means that each owner of

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Understanding Why Some People Fall into the Love Category

Understanding Why Some People Fall into the Love Category Love is an idealistic pair of emotions and behaviours characterized by total commitment, intimacy, passion, commitment, care, and emotional connection. It entails intense affection, close bonding, trust, protection, sensitivity, attraction, joy, and happiness, however it can also vary greatly over time. It’s associated with an array