How to Love Someone More With Intimacy


How to Love Someone More With Intimacy

Love is the feeling that we want to express to another person, without compromising our own views, values and interests. It is the conviction that love is the best and only love. The feeling is the very basis for human communication and love is the ultimate form of communication between two people. However, love is also a feeling or an emotion, and it varies from one person to another and one relationship to another.

Love encompasses a wide range of positive and negative emotional and psychological states, from the highest spiritual virtue, romantic love, to the most base, common human desire, sexual passion. For each of us, love means different things. For some, love is related to romantic love; for others, love is related to committed relationships. Although everyone has his or her own idea of love, the following are the dominant feelings in all relationships: Enthusiastic love, parental love, maternal love, sexual love and attachment. Loving another come in various forms and everyone has a unique way of loving.

Loving someone is a complex activity that involves brain regions similar to those that you might feel when you like someone. For example, if you like someone, you would probably feel happiness, contentment and fulfillment. You would experience brain regions that make up your “love circuitry”. Your brain does not register anything as being specific as long as you do not violate the ethical rules of neuro-linguistic programming (ELP). Your neural system, including brain regions, does not respond to physical intimacy or sexual contact. It only reacts to the emotional responses you have towards another person.

If you are in a romantic relationship, ELP would identify areas where you feel an intense level of connectedness and emotional contentment with another person. These emotions would be part of your “love circuit” and your thoughts, feelings and emotions would be very similar to those described above. However, these feelings would not be as intense as they would be if you were in a one-person intimate relationship. When you are in a relationship with another person you can easily forget about the other person and concentrate on yourself. Your brain is more likely to focus your attention on sharing the intimacy and passionate feelings you have with another person rather than focusing on your deeper connections and emotions with one another.

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is based on the idea that your thoughts and feelings are controlled by different areas of your brain. When you are in a relationship, your brain often uses these areas to access the feelings, desires and needs associated with romantic love, while the subconscious uses them to avoid the pain associated with separation. Therefore, one way you can use NLP to affect change in this area is to practice having strong romantic feelings for another person. Ask yourself if you can feel love for someone and then allow those strong feelings to surge through you and into your partner without feeling guilty about it. After a period of time, you will find yourself connecting with and enjoying the new feelings you are experiencing.

In conclusion, you must use your brain to change your relationship – both the intimacy and the passionate feelings associated with it. You can do this by engaging in passionate and intimate acts with another person. Also, change the way you think when it comes to connecting with your inner self by using positive emotions. Finally, learn to let go of feeling guilty when it comes to romance. These three steps will dramatically impact the level of intimacy you experience in your relationship, which in turn will lead to more positive emotions that enhance and deepen your romantic love for each other.