Small Business Marketing – Why Trends Are Important

Trending is when a specific topic, hashtag, or keyword becomes more popular and receives more visibility and engagement than normal on a social media platform, such as Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, or Facebook. Trending is determined by algorithms that analyze the activity on a given platform and identify which topics and keywords are receiving the most attention. These algorithms are designed to highlight the topics that are most relevant to a user’s location and interests. Trending topics are featured in a special section of the platform, such as Twitter’s ‘Trending’ page or TikTok’s FYP (For You Personally).

It’s important for businesses to keep up with trends because they can help increase visibility and engagement for their content. However, it’s also important to be careful when using trends because it’s easy to take advantage of them in a way that may have unintended consequences. For example, using a hashtag that is related to a sensitive subject such as domestic violence, racism, or bullying can cause controversy and even lead to the removal of the trend from the platform’s trends list. This type of abuse is known as trendjacking.

When it comes to small business marketing, it’s essential to stay on top of current trends in order to make sure your content is engaging and relevant to your audience. By making sure your posts and topics are timely, you can gain a competitive edge over other businesses in your industry. Trends can also provide a great opportunity to share your knowledge with the public by sharing news stories and information about events that are occurring in your local area or industry.

Keeping an eye on the ‘Trending’ sections of your social media accounts can give you ideas for content that your audience will find interesting and helpful. You can also use platforms like Facebook and Instagram to find out what topics are currently popular in your geographic region. You can then create posts or videos that are based on these trends to attract more attention and engage your audience.

You can see which topics are currently trending on a social media site by visiting its ‘Trending’ page or searching for ‘trending’ in the search bar. Facebook’s ‘Trending’ feature is personalized for each user, based on their location and the types of posts and pages they follow. Instagram’s ‘Explore’ page shows trending topics in the sidebar of the feed and is curated based on a person’s interests.

If you see a trending topic that is related to your small business, be sure to post about it immediately! This will allow you to capture a larger audience before the trend loses momentum. Also, remember that many trends don’t linger on the ‘Trending’ lists for very long. If you want to make sure your Post is seen by more people, be sure to include the trending topic in your title or description. And don’t forget to add a hashtag if applicable! Also, it’s best to avoid using trending topics that are controversial or related to tragedies, as this can polarize your audience and possibly result in negative feedback from your followers.