Why Love Can Last a Long Time

Love has been a subject for philosophers, poets and songwriters, but it’s also something that has captured the interest of scientists. Thanks to advances in brain imaging, we can now see what happens in the brain when people experience love. And it’s more complex than we thought.

When you fall in love, a particular part of your brain lights up like a city skyline at night. Your ventral tegmental area floods with dopamine, and this makes you feel passionate and even a little irrational. The good news is, this feeling of euphoria can last a long time. However, it’s important to remember that the high of love is paired with some lows, too. These lows can include jealousy and craving.

In a long-term relationship, love can evolve into companionate and caring relationships, which can make you feel happy and satisfied. This type of love has been around for a long time and is believed to be a more sustainable form of love. Companionate love is when you care for someone as much as you do yourself, such as when parents love their children. It’s also the kind of love that keeps you committed to your partner through thick and thin.

One of the main reasons that long-term relationships can be more stable than short-term ones is because of a change in the chemical balance in your brain. Once you have been in a relationship for a while, your levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine start to drop. At the same time, the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin begin to rise. These are the chemicals that are associated with attachment and intimacy. As a result, this leads to a stronger bond between you and your partner.

Another reason that loving someone deeply can last a long time is because of the way you act toward that person. Some people show their feelings of love through physical touch, while others express their love through words or acts of service. Some of these expressions of love are more effective than others at demonstrating the depth of their feelings.

The way you show your love can help to determine whether or not your relationship can withstand challenges and misunderstandings that are bound to arise from time to time. It can also play a big role in how well you communicate with each other, as this is crucial to maintaining a healthy relationship.

Love is a complex mixture of emotions that can change over time, depending on life circumstances and personal growth. It can also be shaped by a variety of influences, including cultural norms and societal expectations. However, it can also be cultivated through intentional efforts to create and maintain a lasting connection that is built upon mutual respect and understanding. This article was originally published in The Conversation AU and is republished here under a Creative Commons license. Deakin University provides funding as a member of The Conversation AU. The Conversation AU is an independent and not-for-profit organisation that publishes articles on topical issues of general interest.