Nurture Meaning in Daily Life: Make Meaning in Your Day

Making is the creative art, science, or commerce of creating something, specifically services or products. This phrase applies more generally to the production process of making items in a factory, an workshop, or elsewhere on a large scale. Most often, it refers to products that have been designed and made by human beings, for the use of other people. Products of all kinds can be regarded as “making,” but in a narrower sense. Services include activities like design and building, management and control, sales and marketing, distribution, and the service of a variety of tasks.


It is useful to think of meaning-making as a way of understanding, acquiring, and reflecting about life. An understanding of the nature of the world, of ourselves and of other people, and about how we fit into the world creates meaning-making. Reflecting and acquiring knowledge, as well as putting those knowledge into practice, creates meaning-making.

The most common ways to create meaning-making are through arts and crafts, through literature and storytelling, through music, and through family bonds. Many people participate in these activities and create meaning-making strategies within their daily lives. For example, some parents knit sweaters for their children or craft quilts for others. In my home, many projects are made with the children as the participants. I have made tapestries for the family, created a photo album, and we have even painted the wall of our daughter’s bedroom.

Art and literature are good ways to engage meaning-making. Reading stories, novels, and poetry can be a great way to connect with others and learn about them. Reading also can give you a glimpse into a person’s character, beliefs, and world view. Children who love story-telling can tell great tales that are full of imagination, creativity, and emotion. Likewise, adults can read short stories, novels, and biographies to gain insight into other people and their lives. And if you’re interested in creating meaning-making strategies, you might try making quilts, making jewelry, playing music, playing craft games, reading books, and much more.

Likewise, family bonds can help you make meaning-making strategies. As parents, you can create meaningful activities with your child such as drawing or writing. Or you can also join groups with others who love to make things together. It is also important to have dates in your family that represent stable, loving relationships. This way, you will be able to nourish your child’s hunger for relationship development.

In short, the more you can develop meaningful connections in your daily life, the more you can nourish and grow your child’s personality, talents, and insight. The more you nourish him or her in this way, the better he or she will grow. After all, the most powerful forces in the universe are people and the relationships they share. The most powerful forces in the universe are people and the relationships they share!