The Benefits of Making


Making is an active process. It takes practice and persistence, but it teaches you to push yourself out of comfort zones and grow as a creative person.

The act of creating something, whether it’s a painting or a sweater, helps to activate the brain’s flow state, which can reduce anxiety and stress. Crafting also has been shown to strengthen the connection between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, promoting focus and concentration. And, because it’s a pleasurable activity, crafting stimulates the release of dopamine, which can boost mood and motivation.

Often, when we’re feeling anxious or depressed, it can be difficult to do the things we love. But, according to a study by CxO, DIY activities such as crafts can help you get out of that rut. They’re productive and creative, which turns your ruminating thoughts into positive ones. Plus, crafting can make you feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

And, as an added bonus, the process of designing and creating a piece of art can bring people closer together. It’s a way for families to bond over an activity they can all enjoy, and it can even teach them to respect and appreciate the work of others.

Card-making is a great family activity, but it’s also a wonderful way to show someone how much you care. Using a variety of materials and techniques, you can create something unique for everyone in your family—from children to adults. Plus, the cards will be a constant reminder of your love and friendship.

The gratifying feeling of achievement from crafting, especially when completed, can increase self-esteem and confidence. It can also be a healthy distraction from stressful daily activities and can decrease cortisol levels, which is good for your heart and mind. Crafting can also foster a sense of community and belonging, as many people participate in crafting groups such as crochet circles, knitting groups, quilting guilds, polymer clay retreats, and more. Many people also participate in altruistic crafting by donating their finished goods to hospitals, charities, and more.

When it comes to crafting, the sky’s the limit. So, pull out your craft supplies and start creating!