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Sicks and Idioms

Sicks and Idioms Sicks are people who are unable to go to work, school, or other places because of sickness or other ailments. The word itself is a verb. People who are ill are considered to be unfit to perform daily activities. A sick person should not go anywhere, including work or school. In addition

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How to Stay Ahead of Trending Topics in Social Media

The term trending used to mean an increase in public attention or interest in a subject. The rise of social media, however, has given this word a whole new meaning. Today’s trending topics are typically news stories, hot topics of conversation, or shared views. If you want to stay abreast of the latest trending news,

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The Concept of Good

The Concept of Good Immanuel Kant was one of the earliest philosophers to study the idea of good and its relationship with truth, beauty, and beauty. The Critique of Practical Reason is a classic philosophical work that discusses the concept of good. The first part of the essay is an overview of the definition of