The Benefits of Making

When people talk about making, they often describe a craft project, but it can encompass a wide range of creative pursuits. Some of the most popular crafts involve a needle and thread, paper or paint. Regardless of the medium, the act of creating can make you feel better physically and mentally. Research shows that crafting alleviates symptoms of anxiety, depression and loneliness. It also increases happiness and enhances cognition and visual perception.

For many, crafting is a way to learn new skills. From quilting and knitting to origami, sculpting and painting, there are countless hobbies that will teach you something new. In fact, a recent study found that learning a new skill increases self-esteem and makes you happier.

In addition to learning, crafting can help to reduce stress and anxiety. The process of crafting forces you to focus on one task at a time and can create a meditative state that distracts your mind from worries or stresses. It also gives you a sense of accomplishment when you finish your project.

If you are an expert in your field, it may be beneficial to seek out a material manufacturer to serve as a resource and partner. This will give you access to information, ideas and troubleshooting that can help to elevate your project from good to great.

Many people find comfort in the act of crafting with other like-minded individuals. This is why you see cropping groups, knitting circles, art guilds, polymer clay retreats and so many other social networks that bring together those who love to craft. Many of these communities even volunteer their finished products to hospitals, schools and other charitable organizations. This community spirit is what gives crafters a sense of purpose and well-being.

You can make almost anything with a little creativity and the right materials. This is why this page has been organized by material so you can easily find projects to try with different materials. Simply click on the material that you want to see a list of idea starters. So whether you are looking for a project to do with recycled materials, trash or scraps, nature crafts, paper crafts or just want to see what is possible with straws, this page will inspire you!