How to Keep Up With Social Media Trends

A trend is a term that describes topics or hashtags that are popular on social media at a particular moment. These topics or hashtags will appear on a platform’s “Trending” page, such as Twitter’s, TikTok’s, Instagram’s Explore, or Facebook’s Explore. Trending topics typically receive more impressions, engagements, and mentions than other topics or posts. This is why it’s important for businesses to keep up with trends. By doing so, they can increase their visibility on the platforms and engage with their audience.

To keep up with trends, marketers can use tools like Google Trends, YouTube’s Trending section, or Instagram’s Explore page. To use Google Trends, simply type a keyword into the search box and choose a time period to view results. Then, a list of popular searches will appear. This is an excellent way to see what topics are catching on and find new content ideas for your business.

YouTube’s Trending section displays videos that are popular with users on the video platform. The trends are based on the number of views a video has, where those views came from, how old the video is, and what other related videos are being watched at that same time. YouTube’s Trending section is updated every 15 minutes, so you can always find the most recent trending videos.

While participating in a trend can boost the reach of your post and help you engage your audience, it’s important to approach these trends with caution. It is easy to abuse trending topics by adding keywords or hashtags unrelated to the topic at hand, a practice known as “trend spamming.” In extreme cases, this can cause your post or account to be suspended.

Instagram’s Explore page features trending hashtags, videos, and photos. The popular tags are shown with a lightning bolt icon. Instagram also offers a search & discover feature that shows you what’s popular with your followers and other users.

Keeping up with social media trends is essential to growing your business. By staying up-to-date on trending topics, you can create and promote your content in ways that will resonate with your audience. This can lead to increased engagement, brand awareness, and sales.

The term ‘trending’ is often associated with Twitter trends, which are words and phrases that are being discussed on the microblogging platform in real time. However, you can also find trends on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook.

What’s trending on Twitter is different from what’s trending in another city or country. This is because most Twitter users only see trends that are relevant to them, based on their location and who they follow. Trending lists can also be influenced by typos, misspellings or even bots. As such, it is not uncommon for a fake trend to become trending in the hope of drawing attention and traffic. This is sometimes called “Trendjacking”. In addition, some users manipulate trends by promoting their own content with the hopes of having it go viral. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid being caught up in this game.